Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Just the Beginning!

Hi internet. This is only the beginning of my big plans. I have had my instagram @rx_the_wanderer for a couple of months now, but I haven't had as much time to post and expand on the blog idea as I wanted to. I have finally created my blog page (you are here), but I obviously have a long way to go.

As for the name, well the "wanderer" part is self-explanatory. As for the "Rx" part, well, my name is Roxanne although most people don't really call me that (with the exceptions of family and very, very old friends). My name has gone through many versions depending on who is talking to me, what language they speak, and how old I am at the time. From kindergarten through about highschool, most of my "old school" teachers who had some notion of popular music from the 70's used to sing me lyrics from "Roxanne" by the Police, instead of calling me by my actual name. You know the song, "Rooooooxanne, you don't have to put on the red light, Roooooxanne." Despite the fact that this isn't a song you should sing to a child because of the meaning, it got tiresome over the years, although now I kind of miss it. In Mexico (I will get to that in another post) it was nearly impossible for anyone to pronounce my name properly, especially my very-oldschool-grandmother. Anyway, many people now call me "Roxy" for short, while others call me "Rox," and "Rx" is just short for that. That's pretty much it. Nothing fancy. I have had people call me "prescription" before, wonder what they're thinking" 😐

Anyway, I was eager to get started with creating this page and more things will be coming soon. I will also have a proper "bio" and all that jazz.



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